2MadKings, LLC. Podcast of just about anything!

In this podcast we talk about anything and everything. We started this podcast for fun, let's see where it takes us. No filter, we want to be ourselves as much as possible so check us out, and let us know what you think.

Online Podcast


Live on YouTube weekly at 8 pm CST. 

Meet the team

Co-Host of 2MadKings

Cesar Ramirez

I am a father to 2 beautiful girls and a husband to an amazing woman. I was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala. I enjoy time with friends and family. Probably the more politically correct of the dynamic duo leading 2MadKings, but still a little crazy.

Moises Sehtman

Born in '94 and raised in Houston, Texas, the best place in the world. Mostly know for not having a filter and being amazing. I love having a great time with friends and family, traveling and most of all spending time with my lovely lady.

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